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change of color中文是什么意思

用"change of color"造句"change of color"怎么读"change of color" in a sentence"change of color"的同义词


  • 变色现象


  • Modern changes of colors in chinese painting
  • Review of researches on leaf color changing of color - leafed plants
  • Changes of color of long shelf - life bread and its reasons were investigated
  • If you want to move beyond the basic changes of color , size , and buttons on the title bar , you ll have to subclass the
  • When only the intensity fluctuation is included in the incident light with different parameters of incident intensity and phase , the parameter plane of the folt shows interesting behavior with the changes of colored noise correlation time and multiplicative noise intensity
  • The thermochromism implies a drastic change in color of substance , which take place when it is heated up to a certain temperature or to a more or less well - defined temperature range . accompanying the change of color , materials that undergo temperature - induced color changes are termed thermochromic
  • ( 3 ) the thickness change of the sample that is needed testing is converted into color change of test line in the colloidal - gold strip by gica . and then the sensing device of photoelectricity based on ccd is designed to convert the change of color into the change of the electric signal
    ( 3 )通过金免疫层析法将被测样本的浓度变化转化为金标试条测试线的颜色变化,在此基础上进行基于ccd的光电传感装置设计,进一步将测试线的颜色变化转换成电信号的变化。
用"change of color"造句  


  • an act that changes the light that something reflects


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